
en-route success

“If I ever fall an inch before the finish,  look not how little was left, but look how far I have come.”jj10

Lets Bunk today.
August 17, 2009, 1:31 PM
Filed under: Commitment, Goals, Inspiration & Motivation, Lesson, Life | Tags: , , , ,

“As I plough through life,  realised what I missed in class” JJ’09.

Trust n save time.

 “trust  or dont anything in between is waste of your time.”

Take your stand saves a lot of your internal energy and time.

Understanding paintings.

I looked at a painting it felt nice.

Monday I understood the meaning.

Tuesday I understood what the artist wanted to communicate.

Wednesday I understood why the artist drew the picture.

Thursday I realised the mood a of  generation when it was painted.

Friday made me realise I had not thought about this for myself

Saturday made me feel I had learnt something new about me,

Sunday I was back in Church,I understood the meaning.

The painting looked at me.

Mentor, Trainer or Sculptor.

“To Hit a stone repeatedly at the same place, so as to chisel it but, not break it needs lots of dedication,determination,vision and love”jj09

Kurdos: That’s also the role of a trainer, coach, teacher or a mentor to make beautiful things out of regular stones. Have the determination to work repeatedly on a ordinary looking rock and have the vision to see the David.The challenge is to not break it.

A million dreams away…. (Nominated for Avant Garde Awards)

When I look back...

When I look back...

“Finally, as I lie before my million dreams, a thought brings tear, wish I had put my life into one”  jj09.


Kurdos: To painful to explain….

All Balls…
March 30, 2009, 9:00 PM
Filed under: Commitment, Dreams, Faith, Inspiration, Lesson, motivation | Tags: , ,

“One with no goals, ends up with many balls”jj09

August 20, 2008, 2:52 PM
Filed under: Commitment, Lesson, Life, Love

“Derived or Dependent happiness is always short lived”.

Learn to be happy …needs introspection. the more u are dependent on others the more often u will feel let down. The more u r depend on urself more stable u will be.

Earth Energy.
August 11, 2008, 10:02 AM
Filed under: 1, Commitment, Life, motivation

“When your personal energy is in sync with the energy of the earth…you are in a state of bliss”.


It is easy to achieve , reach and fulfill your dreams in this state. Feeling  the earth energy once will make it eaiser to understand. Its a lemony thou gt, You need to surrender to feel this power.When it flows through you ,its like u jumping into a rapid river…u see and experience so much, its up to you to make the most of it. Some great thinkers have the ability to be in this state constantly deriving most out of life and themselves.

July 7, 2008, 10:16 AM
Filed under: Commitment, Inspiration, Life, Magic Moments, motivation | Tags: , ,


“The only bridge between dream and realization is faith.”


On route lies a deep gorge which prompts many a faint hearts to return.